Nomination Forms
New Members
John Springbrunn, Committee Chair
To qualify for membership nominees must meet the following minimum requirements:
Must have served at least five years as a school Band Director, possess a valid teaching certificate or the equivalent, and hold membership in a state band director’s association or music educator’s association recognized by the Fraternity.
Is presently or has been a conductor of a consistently superior performing band.
Have evidence of leadership contributions to the progress of the band profession by holding office or other important responsibilities at the state or regional levels, or with publications, compositions, dissertations, performances, etc.
Character must be morally and ethically beyond reproach.
Nominations of new members must be received prior to December 1st each year.
Outstanding Bandmaster of the Year
Mike Fansler, Committee Chair
This award is presented annually to the member who has distinguished him or herself through developing consistently stellar performing ensembles. Nominations are received from the membership and forwarded to the selection committee.
Nominations for Outstanding Bandmaster of the Year must be received prior to December 1st each year.
Bandmasters Hall of Fame
James Hile, Committee Chair
The Bandmasters Hall of Fame award recognizes members who have gone beyond developing outstanding performing organizations and have impacted school band music through research, writing, composition, and program development.
The Bandmasters Hall of Fame is located in Regenstein Hall on the campus of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. The display case can be found across from room 011, the main band rehearsal hall.
Nominations for the Hall of Fame must be received prior to December 1st each year.

The Bandmasters Hall of Fame - Regenstein Hall, Northwestern University